
Peru is celebrating the Pope´s visit

on 19 Jan, 2018
Hits: 2997

Lima (Peru), 01/19/2018, Sr. Gloria Eugenia Piedrahita.- Coinciding with the celebration of the 483 Anniversary of the founding of Lima, Pope Francisco arrived on Peruvian soil. After a warm reception in the capital city, this morning he traveled to Puerto Maldonado in the north of the country to find himself in first place with the indigenous populations and the reality of the Peruvian Amazon.

For four years, the Apostolic Vicariate of Puerto Maldonado has been led by Fr. David Martínez de Aguirre Guinea, O.P. who had been appointed coadjutor bishop in 2014. With spontaneity and hope, the natives of twenty different families, exposed to the Pope his suffering for the degradation of values and the continuous attacks and looting of the mother-earth. In the encounter with the native communities was present the master of the Dominican Order, Br. Bruno Cadoré, O.P.

Tomorrow, Francisco will visit the coastal city of Trujillo and on Sunday in Lima he will visit the convent of Santo Domingo and celebrate a mass at the Las Palmas air base.

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