
The XX Enlarged General Council in Santafe has started

on 13 Mar, 2018
Hits: 3374

Santafe, Bogota (Colombia), 03/11/2018, EGC Commission for the web.- To revitalize the life and mission of the Congregation, with the power of our Charism. “The time is fulfilled... show them the way they ought to follow and what they are to do” (MK 1: 15. Ex 18:20). The XX Enlarged General Council of Santafe was started with the prayer of Laudes prepared by the General Government, inviting us for reflection and openness to live these days of EGC guided by the action of the Holy Spirit.

To revitalize the life and mission of the Congregation, with the power of our Charism. “The time is fulfilled... show them the way they ought to follow and what they are to do” (MK 1: 15. Ex 18:20).


Sr. Berta Graciela Acero, Provincial Superior, welcomed us by reminding us that "the time has been fulfilled ...” which, during this Lent, is a favorable time for conversion and a time to follow the advice that Jethro gave to Moses: “show them the way they ought to follow and what they are to do .” (Ex. 18: 20). The opening words of Sr. Maria Escayola Coris, Superior General, placed us in our reality; She invited us to “live fully, in an integrated way, authentically and honestly our vocation to consecrated life. If we do not recover this dimension as something vital, we can hardly change and carry out a restructuration as to have a new life.”

In an atmosphere of celebration, joy, encounter, communion, hope and participation, we gathered towards noon, in the Chapel of the Provincial House; the participants of EGC and the local Superiors of the Communities of the Province of Santafé, to celebrate the Eucharist presided by Fr. Franklin Buitrago OP. A strong tree of the Presentation symbolically represented the 15 Structures of the Congregation and the logo of the EGC in front of the altar. 

In the afternoon, Sr. Maria Escayola Coris presented the program for the EGC; it will begin with the sharing of the reflections from different Structures as a response to the preparatory work which was sent in advance. This is a space for listening, reflection, interrogation and clarification that has motivated us to continue our exchanges on different proposals for the future. We finished the first day’s work with the prayer of Vespers beautifully prepared by the Vice Province of USA.

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