
Bogotá: Welfare plan for elderly sisters

on 11 Apr, 2018
Hits: 3165

Bogotá (Colombia), 04/08/2018, Srs. Nubia Yaneth Chávez, Alba Luz Urrego y Nubia Gemil.- The Province of Bogotá advances the program of welfare for the older sisters, an initiative of the Economical Council, who with the support of some sisters of the health sector, developed a plan with the objective of providing focused attention on person, that strengthens autonomy, improves and / or maintains quality of life, foster inter and intrapersonal relationships, develop the skills and abilities and promote continuity or reformulation of the life project.

In the development of this program, a group has been formed of interdisciplinary sisters and lay professionals in gerontology, nursing, psychology and psychotherapy; its implementation, initially, develops in the house of older sisters San José de los Nogales de Chia, in Bogotá. The program has had a great reception because it contemplates activities artistic, physical, mental games, reading club, recreation, ecology among other spaces where the sisters exercise in the well-being and Take care of your own health.

We thank Sr. Fanny Yolanda Barrantes Muñoz and his Council Provincial for this beautiful initiative.