
A call to generosity with Haiti

on 15 Oct, 2018
Hits: 3811

Tours (France), 10/15/2018, RCF.- On October 5, as part of her visit to France to participate in the beatification of Father Jean Baptiste Fouque, founder of Saint Joseph Hospital in Marseille, Sr. Ana Patricia Londoño, director of the Pediatric Center in Haiti, was interviewed by RCF Touraine.

Pediatric Center in HaitiPediatric Center in HaitiIn this interview, Sr. Ana Patricia presented to the radio audience the "Padrino Program" that the Pediatric Center has to offer nutritional and educational opportunities to the malnourished child population of this area of influence. Mr. Guy BRAULT, director of the Organization "Acting for children", based in Tours, accompanied our sister in that interview, making a call to the generosity of all their partners, for the benefit of Haitian children. We hope that this call for generosity will take effect and that many children can see their nutrition and schooling assured and can contribute in the future to make Haiti a better country for all.


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