
"Engaging our diversity trough interculturality"

on 10 Feb, 2019
Hits: 2982

Roma (Italy), 02/10/2019, Sr. Diana Gisela Dolorita.- The seminar on Engaging our diversity through interculturality was held in Rome from 21st January to 1st February, organized by the Union of International Superior Generals (UISG); a wonderful image of the richness of the female religious. Diana Gisela Dolorita (General Goverment), A. Jenet (India), Patricia Yameogo (Africa) and Luz Karime Laguado Mancipe (Colombia) participated from our Congregation.

We were 180 participants from 46 congregations from 5 continents; 23% from Africa, 23% from Asia, 21% from Europe, 20% from South America, 10% from United States and 3% from Oceania. The objective of this seminar was to help religious congregations reflect about intercultural living, to build a new culture where all the cultures are respected, accepted and lived. Understood and lived well in the light of faith makes us prophetic signs in our communities, in the Congregation and can guide us in our mission. To achieve interculturality, we must first know our own culture while taking an interest in the other.

There is no culture better than the other. Diversity is a blessing which brings life and creativity in the community as well as in the mission. One has to go through a process of conversion/ transformation from ethnocentrism in order to live this richness of diversity through intercultural living.  

Diversity is a blessing which brings life and creativity in the community as well as in the mission.

It was an enriching experience as we had discussions and sharing with the Sisters from different continents on the dimension of intercultural life in religious life that opened us to a new challenge.

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