
Perú: Meeting with the Master of the Order

on 03 May, 2019
Hits: 3223

Lima (Perú), 04/30/2019, Sr. Patricia Avendaño Álvarez.- In the framework of the Canonical Visit of the Master of the Dominican Order, Fr. Bruno Cadoré, OP, to the province of San Juan Bautista of Perú, from April 29th to May 5th of this year, the sisters of the different congregations that integrated the National Federation of Apostolic Life Sisters, we were invited to participate, on April 30th, in a Eucharist presided by him, at the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary in Lima and then, at a moment of dialogue and sharing.

In the homily, Fr. Bruno invited us, as preachers, not to look for persuasive or eloquent words, but to have a human, mendicant word that asks hearts to open themselves to a meeting. On this day that we celebrate the memory of Saint Pius V and Saint Rose of Lima, he said, we celebrate the memory of two saints of the gathering, because this is the secret that the Saints have kept for years: the personal encounter with Jesus Christ.

Each member of the Order, friars, sisters or lay Dominicans could give reasons or motives to want to become preachers, but the most important reason must be the motive for the meeting. One day, at least once, we had an encounter with him, with Jesus Christ, the Word of truth, he who is the Truth, and from this meeting we had the conviction that this joy of the encounter with Jesus, was the joy we had that share with others, the joy of knowing that he wants to be a friend to us. This is the proposal, the news that we are called to share today.

Fr. Bruno Cadoré and Sr. Ofelia QuispeFr. Bruno Cadoré and Sr. Ofelia Quispe

Fr. Bruno with Federation membersFr. Bruno with Federation members

Fr. Bruno and Sr. Ofelia. Center: Sr. Juana Sarmiento, dominican sister of St. Rose of LimaFr. Bruno and Sr. Ofelia. Center: Sr. Juana Sarmiento, dominican sister of St. Rose of Lima