
Philippines: Christmas sharing in Pasay Cemetary

on 28 Dec, 2019
Hits: 2972

Malibay, Manille, (Philippines), 12/23/19, Community of  Srs. de Malibay.- The Son is the light, the real light which gives light to every man. He is the light of truth of God’s merciful love. He has come among us to show us the face of the Father. Jesus is the perfect revelation of the Father. He has come in lowly form and the lowly rejoice at His coming. The light has shown in to the darkness of hopelessness and despair bringing freedom to the human spirit.

And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld His glory, glory as the only Son from the Father” Jn 1: 14

As part of the Christmas sharing this year the sisters and Postulants of Malibay community, Manila, Philippines, along with the lay collaborators had this experience of being a beacon of light in the lives of a group of families living in the Pasay Cemetery which is 2 kilometers away from the community.

The dwellers in the cemetery include more than 100 families including children and elderly. They are those who have no living conditions in their rural areas and are forced to leave their home town. There are also people who have lost their houses due to fire or constant floods. Government of Philippines helps them to relocate them to places where they will receive a house but no opportunities for finding a job or any form of daily sustenance. Thus they end up living in the cemetery where their houses are small make shift tents built in between the graves or covering the cemented tombs. This is the only place where no one will ask them to pay a rent.

With the support of our generous volunteers we offered food to 220 persons including 15 senior citizens and 205 children aging from 3-13. We were also able to provide grocery supplies to 100 families. We found such a great joy in this experience of sharing the Love of Jesus, the Joy of the New Born Babe in the Manger. By assuming the form of a human being and God who is Love came to reveal love. Love reveals itself, opens itself and gives itself and we felt that Jesus is reborn today in those lives who are deprived of many opportunities that all of us take it for granted daily.

