
Reflection: Hope in times of Pandemic

on 14 Apr, 2020
Hits: 2287

Caracas (Venezuela), 04/14/2020, Sr. Nícida Amparo Díaz Leal.- This experience of pandemic lived in quarantine engulfs us and we look for meaning and a sign of hope all around us...some are waiting for a miracle from heaven, ¨Lord, what costs you a miracle, put an end to this pandemic; others try to cling to their deep-rooted selfishness taking advantage of the moment to gain profit...; others put on fear as their best refuge, ¨yes, I am afraid I don’t go out and if I do not go out, I do not get infected..”.

But many of them know in whom they have put their hope... because they have been able to listen to the words of Jesus ¨You will see the glory of God¨ (Jn 11: 40). It is not easy to embrace this word during these times of so much uncertainty, but it is here that we have the firm Hope that only in God is our life will be at rest ; that his Glory is to be seen in his sons and daughters with life, life in abundance...then, only then, we can say, not everything is lost. There is a little hope that will give us a new day every morning, the one that comes from God, that makes us turn to our sisters and brothers and tell them the Good News: “The Lord is risen and we have seen.”

This is the greatest miracle that should happen in our lives, that pushes us to go out, the miracle of fraternity in solidarity to wipe away the pain and suffering, to bring comfort... to say, Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid! God continues to test us, God continues to give us his Life and we become strong to continue living.

The miracle we ask for, it is you, it is me, it is us, it is the risen Jesus in our life, the one we are waiting for so long, who overcomes selfishness and fear, the one who makes us see clearly the face of Jesus in our brothers and sisters, the one who impels our life towards others, who makes our hearts burn and gives us his Spirit to bring us peace and fill us with joy because he knows that, in spite of everything, we proclaim his resurrection, though in a hidden way, because fear overcomes us.

We need a sign, we are like Thomas, we still do not understand that the sign is already given “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed” (Jn 20: 29). Lord, we believe, increase our faith!

Make the fire of your love burn in our hearts and do not extinguish it, may we run like the women, to bring the Good News, may we listen like Peter and John, like the disciples of Emmaus and go in haste; then to return to our daily life of routine (Jn 21: 1-15) may we contemplate you, listen to your invitation to cast our nets once more in obedience of love and faith, may we discover you sitting at our table, breaking bread, shepherding your people... may we be able to tell you with our firm voice ! You know that I love you!

As we wake up every morning, may that little hope continue to give us good days, to offer our people the hope we have within us... (1 Pt 3:15), the hope that we have achieved at your Resurrection, the hope that will tell us every day: Do not be afraid!