
Welcome of "Petites Sœurs Dominicaines" of Congo, Brazaville

on 23 Aug, 2021
Hits: 1772

Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), 08/23/2021, Sr. Léa Nikiema and Sr. Léontine Ilboudo, comunidad de Pô - Tiébélé.-  On the 8th of August 2021, on the solemnity of Saint Dominic, we experienced a special event: the celebration of the fusion of the Congregation of the Little Dominican Sisters with our Congregation. The Vice Province welcomed into its midst the Little Dominican Sisters of Congo Brazaville.

At 4pm, in the Chapel of Saint Dominic in the Vice Provincial House, the Mass celebrated by our Dominican Brother Isaac will begin, during which this event will be lived. Four Little Sisters from Congo Brazaville were in Ouagadougou. Sister Lucie Bertille NKOUAKOUA (Regional), Sister Catherine TANDOU (Councillor), who came for the Temporary Vows of the three novice Little Dominican Sisters who are a gift of the fusion; Sister Peggy Nadège KABOU who was in Formation at Mater Christi, Sister Mireille Bienvenue NSOUZA, who came for our first Congregational retreat organised from 28 July to 4 August and for a stay of mutual acquaintance in a community.

The Dominicans Sisters who were present at this celebration formed a hedge in front of the chapel to welcome our new sisters. Meanwhile, the Little Dominican Sisters were at the back of our garden. Sister Evelyne Ouédraogo (Vice Provincial Superior) and the Councillors went to welcome them. Together they joined the chapel while the entrance procession was being sung. Once inside, the water of welcome was given to them by Sister Evelyne Ouédraogo. They also received a bouquet of flowers. After the Kyrie, we listened a reading from the letter to the Ephesians (Eph 4, 1-6). Then Sister Evelyne OUEDRAOGO and Sister Lucie Bertille NKOUAKOUA respectively took the floor to express the feelings of one or the other Institute. After the proclamation of the Gospel, the crosses of our Congregation were blessed and given to the Little Dominican Sisters in addition to the Constitutions. At the offertory procession, the union of the two Congregations was symbolized by the Regional of the Little Dominican Sisters and the Vice Provincial Superior of Africa. They all held a calabash filled with flowers and a lighted candle in it and came to the altar dancing.

The celebration continued normally. Then we had a little animation in front of the chapel to mark our joy of welcoming our new sisters and a fraternal meal ended this beautiful day. May the prayers of Mother Poussepin, those of St. Dominic and of Abbot Victor Chocarne strengthen this union and make it bear beautiful fruits.