
Philippines: Marie Poussepin Care Centre

on 01 Mar, 2016
Hits: 5948
Maricaban (Philippines), 03/01/2016.- Our mission in the Philippines continues to grow and expand. On February 27, 2016 the transfer and opening of the Marie Poussepin Care Center, which is located in Maricaban, Passy City of Metro Manila, Philippines, was blessed with the presence of Fr. Russel Ocampo the Parish priest of Maricaban and Fr. Edgardo Coroza Conoza the parish priest of Malibay. The sisters had the joy of having with them their benefactors and friends especially the members of the British Women Association.
The Marie Poussepin Care Centre strives to respond to the health needs of the people in this highly populated area who are often unemployed or who receive only a very minimal income. More and more, our 2 nurses there, Sr. Rubyclare Pulickal who is trained in alternative medicine through the use of plants and herbs, and Sr. Ana Eriselda Antonio Giron who has a lot of experience with bio-magnetic therapies, are offering new treatments to the people with great success.

The Center also supports special needs children in the area, especially in relation to education and therapies. Health educations and awareness classes are an integral part of the Center. On March 5, 2016 the Center sponsored a seminar on the Role of Women in the Family and Human Trafficking in connection with International Women’s Day. This education program opened the eyes of many to the realities of our day. More than 100 people attended, mostly women and children, gathered for this enriching day.

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