
Closing of the canonical visit of the general government to the provinces of Bogotá and Santafé

on 18 Jun, 2022
Hits: 1369

Bogotá (Colombia), 06/18/2022, Sr. Anita Fernández Calderón.- On Saturday, June 4, the Sisters of the provinces of Bogotá and Santafé met in person and virtually to participate in the closing of the canonical visit of the General Government.

The word of God was present in the Eucharist presided by Fray Diego Orlando Serna Salazar, O.P, Provincial of the Dominicans Brothers in Colombia, who motivated us to continue living this time of God passing through the life of each sister with attitudes of listening and discernment. Facing reality under the illumination of the Word of God. The breath of the Holy Spirit that never leaves us and remains especially in the most difficult decisions of our lives..

We must keep alive the desire to be with the Lord!

Then Sr. María Escayola Coris, superior general, gave us her profound speech in which are highlighted gratitude and commitment to our being consecrated, rekindling more and more the dedication to the Lord from the openness to God's action in our lives, the constancy in prayer and the strengthening of the community that sustains us and the prophetic witness in the midst of today's society.

The afternoon ended with a colorful artistic display in which the most representative dances of our country and the message of unity and hope that we wish for Colombia were appreciated. We thank all the Sisters of the General Government for their simplicity, fraternal sharing, depth and demand for keeping the Charism of Marie Poussepin alive.