
USA: Perpetual Vows of Sister Glenda Leticia

on 02 Nov, 2022
Hits: 1347

Dighton (USA), 11/02/2022, MCS.- October 9, 2022 was a day of great joy in Dighton and in the Vice-Province of the United States. In our beautiful Chapel of the Vice-Provincial House, we celebrated the final commitment of Sr. Glenda Leticia Ortiz Palacios. For many Sisters it was a reminder of something that has not happened here for several years.

Father Paul Canuel's homily and the singing, both in English and in Spanish, spoke to us of our internationality, our interculturality and our commitment to be wherever the Church calls us and our brothers and sisters need us. Glenda Leticia was born in Olanchito, Honduras on July 10, 1973. She lived her early years there, acquired her education, and was very committed to her parish. Glenda joined a religious Congregation where she lived for several years. However, she left because she didn't feel that she was called to live in that Congregation. She returned to her hometown, and after ten years, having fully lived her lay commitment and her mission as a teacher and school principal, she joined our Congregation in Honduras on October 14, 2016. The Dominican charism and the spirituality of Marie Poussepin gave meaning to Glenda’s life and prepared her for her commitment to religious life in our Congregation. After three years of probation, Glenda made her first profession on October 13, 2019.

Sr. Glenda Leticia has lived different community and missionary experiences in Honduras and in the United States. Her mission experiences have been at the educational level, as well as in Parish Ministry, and in the spiritual animation of Laudato Si groups. She is currently in Dighton, practicing her English before leaving for her new mission in Brownsville, Texas, where she will integrate herself into the Community, will continue studying English and will collaborate in the mission with immigrants.