
Open assembly in the Province of Los Andes

on 09 Aug, 2023
Hits: 1222

Magdalena del Mar (Peru), 08/09/2023, MCS Los Andes.- From july 27th to july 31st, within the framework of the celebration of 150 years of missionary presence in Colombia, where our French sisters gave solid foundations to the service of Charity towards the poorest, our open assembly begins with a Eucharist presided over by Monsignor Juan José Salaverry O.P., who told us in his homily that Jesus invites us to open our ears and eyes and to believe in him by opening our hearts to him. Because only then can we heal and reconcile. And it will open us to a new existence of hope and brotherly love.

Sister Ofelia Quispe and her Council began this path of reflection with the Eucarist on the eve of the national anniversary of Peru.

The sisters came from the communities of Peru and Bolivia to participate in this meeting that was held at the Retreat House of the Sisters of San José de Cluny, located in Magdalena del Mar.

The methodology of the meeting was: SEE, ILLUMINATE AND ACT.

The sisters, in a simple way and with a very creative dynamic, answered the questions: What oil did I bring for the assembly? How am I living? What feelings does this life that I live provoke in me?

Then we remembered the path we have traveled together towards restructuring. There were many studies, many reflections, and many searches that have been paving the way for today to be able to recognize and take a new course in our structure.

In our communities, we had already carried out a detailed study of the XXI C.G.A. Tours, which set us on our way to continue in this search together in synodality. Work was shared on a personal and community level, and constants and priorities were identified that enlightened us and prepared us for our next Provincial Chapter.

Having ears and listening are the first commitments. It is not an easy task, but we hope that with God, we can do it according to his Spirit.

Our assembly was accomplished in a climate of communion and fraternity. A synodal Church is a Church of listening, with the awareness that listening is more than hearing. For this reason, this path of resignification and restructuring that we are living in the Congregation and in our Province puts us in this dynamic to respond to the time that requires new responses from us, rooting the Charism of Marie Poussepin alive today in each sister.

Our assembly ended with joy, with hope, and with the conviction that the response we will give is new and in accordance with what we are experiencing today. May Saint Domingo and Marie Poussepin continue to show us the way to live our consecration in order to respond to the call that God has given us.