
New provincial government of Medellín

on 06 Jan, 2024
Hits: 1123

Medellín (Colombia), 01/06/2024, Sisters of the Communications Team of the Provincial Chapter.- With joy, hope and desire to walk together, the XIX Provincial Chapter was held from December 26, 2023 to January 4, 2024 in the Province of Medellín, in an ecclesial and Congregational atmosphere. We give thanks to God for the election of the Provincial Superior and her Councilors, for their life, their vocation and their availability to assume this service of authority with commitment, responsibility and joy.

Now is a time of grace and mercy, of risk and commitment, to shape the face of the Congregation in the 21st century”, “Authority as a service of animation, is exercised in the key of creativity, leadership, communion and mercy." XIX CGA. Barcelona Spain.

We thank the Lord for the choice of:

Provincial Superior:
  • Sr. Gloria Luz Villegas Santamaría.
Provincial Councilors:

We entrust them to the provident hands of the good God and of our Mother Foundress, Marie Poussepin to accompany them in this new mission which has been entrusted to them.

From left to right:  Hna. Zabrina Llanos B., Hna. Gloria Luz Villegas S. (Provincial Superior), Hna. María Nelfi Rincón R., Hna. Amanda Mesa D. and next to, Hna. Luz Mery Chaverra R. (she was in the Jerusalem community).From left to right: Hna. Zabrina Llanos B., Hna. Gloria Luz Villegas S. (Provincial Superior), Hna. María Nelfi Rincón R., Hna. Amanda Mesa D. and next to, Hna. Luz Mery Chaverra R. (she was in the Jerusalem community).