
Meeting of Provincial Secretaries of America

on 06 Nov, 2024
Hits: 307

Medellin (Colombie), 11/06/2024, Participating Sisters.- With deep joy and immense gratitude for the support of the Provincial Prioresses, the secretaries of the Provinces of America gathered in response to the invitation from Sister Ana Patricia Londoño Flórez, General Secretary, to join for a formative and mission-focused meeting in Medellin.

Held at the Provincial House in Medellín from October 15th to 20th, the meeting brought together all provincial secretaries from across the Americas, including sisters who assist in this service, both in person and online. This time of collaboration and learning focused on deepening our understanding and application of the newly approved Congregation's Classification System and Secretariat Manual, approved at the 56th General Chapter.

Each day unfolded in a spirit of fraternal support and collective growth. Through practical examples and meaningful discussions, we delved into the foundational principles and intentions guiding our work. We were enriched by the contributions of Sister Anne Marie Enrione, Sister Rosalie Yanogo, Sister Luz Marina Angarita, and Sister Luz Karime Mancipe, who joined online to share insights into the importance of accuracy, diligence, and unity in managing our archives and records in alignment with the standardized classification tables.

Our profound gratitude goes to Sister Ana Patricia for her guidance and dedication throughout the meeting. Her vision and leadership inspire us, and we look forward to future opportunities to connect and collaborate, using the benefits of technology to maintain a spirit of communion. Through these simple yet essential tasks, we recognize our role in safeguarding the fidelity of our charism, honoring legal and technical requirements, and preserving the history of our Congregation.

We extend our profound gratitude to Sister Gloria Luz Villegas Santamaría, Provincial Prioress of Medellín, the Provincial Council, and the Sisters supporting the Secretariat in Medellín. Their warmth, hospitality, and spirit of fraternity made this week both memorable and deeply fulfilling.

With renewed purpose, we carry forward our mission, united in service and enriched by our shared experience.