
Canonical Visit of the General Government to USA

on 06 Jul, 2016
Hits: 5321

Digthon (USA), 07/05/2016, Vice-Province USA.- The Canonical Visit of the General Government (06/15/2016 - 07/04/2016) to the USA structure was certainly filled with blessings for everyone. The presence of Sr. María Escayola, Sr. Mariamma Paul and Sr. Rosario Garcés was a time not only of sharing and listening, but also an opportunity to experience the Congregation and to renew ourselves. We welcome them first at our Vice Provincial House in Dighton, where we had a gathering and prayer together, as well as the Celebration of the Jubilees of Religious Profession of five of our sisters.

Canonical Visit of the General Government to USA: Sisters Mariamma, Maria and RosarioCanonical Visit of the General Government to USA: Sisters Mariamma, Maria and Rosario

Being a small structure, they were able to experience the history and the present reality of each community both in the United States and in Honduras. Sr. Vimala Vadakumpadan, Vice Provincial, brought them to St. Anne’s Hospital in Fall River, founded by the first sisters who arrived from France in 1905. Then, they started by visiting the three communities that are located in Massachusetts: two in Dighton and one in Fall River.

Then, Sisters Mariamma and Rosario traveled to the South, to Brownsville, Texas, located in the border with Mexico. There they were able to accompany our sisters who are involved in the ministry to the people in two different parishes, responding in various ways to their needs. From there, Sisters Mariamma and Rosario went to Washington, DC. There at Rosary House our sisters welcome students while they further their studies. The General Councilors were also able to visit the parishes where our sisters are involved in different aspects of ministry.

In the meantime, Sr. María Escayola, accompanied by Sr. Vimala Vadakumpadan, spent one week in Honduras in the two places where the community is present: Guaimaca, where, thanks to the collaboration of many benefactors and volunteers, the charism of Marie Poussepin is lived in its three aspects: education, health care and human promotion through work, experiencing daily God’s Providential care. In Tegucigalpa, we have the house of formation. Sr. María was able to participate and see some of the involvement of the sisters at the parish, with the people nearby and in distant villages, as well as with the sick and disabled.

Back together in Dighton, the General Government met first with the superiors of the communities and the following day with Sr. Vimala and her council. It was very appropriate to end the Canonical Visit in the USA with the celebration of July 4th, when we gathered for a special cook out, the traditional way of celebrating this Independence Day. May the graces of these days helps us to renew ourselves and our communities in the USA and in Honduras in the Charism of Marie Poussepin!

Photo Album: Canonical Visit to USA 

15/06/2016 - 04/07/2016
- It Includes Honduras -
