
The Canonical Visit of the General Government in Los Andes

on 03 Nov, 2016
Hits: 3317

Lima (Peru), 10/1-25/2016, Sr. Amparo Vélez Pérez.- The canonical visit of the General Government was a time of grace for us in the Province of Los Andes. It was a very special time to share with them the journey of the Congregation in Peru and Bolivia during the past 51 years, a mission accomplished with audacity, creativity and risk taking and in simplicity, work and poverty.

This visit which was intensely prepared and awaited with great joy and expectation left messages of hope in each Community and in each sister. It widened the horizon of our missionary commitment and deepened our desire to reawaken in us the gift that each one of us has received from the Lord. The two meetings realized with the participation from the majority of our Sisters in Lima and Cochabamba and also the one for the groups of Laity and other pastoral groups were occasions for the General Government to have a better knowledge of our mission in Los Andes.

With the insight received from the message of “the visit of Mary and Elizabeth”, we sing the MAGNIFICAT like them, because the Lord has done and will continue to do great things. In spite of our poverty He animates us to continue to build His Kingdom here and now. Once again, we thank wholeheartedly Sr. Maria Escayola Coris, Superior General and the councilors: Srs. Mariamma Paul, Diana Dolorita and Fabiola Duque for their simple, friendly and loving presence among us. Their presence in the Province was experienced as the Presence of the Lord.

"The Lord has done and will continue to do great things. In spite of our poverty He animates us to continue to build His Kingdom here and now".

