
Beginning of the Canonical Visit to Spain

on 28 Nov, 2016
Hits: 3430

Barcelona (Spain) 11/28/2016, Sr. Gemma Morató and Sr. Conchi García.- As planned, November 28 began with the meeting of the General and Provincial Councils for the canonical visit in the Province of Spain. With great joy we received Sr. Maria Escayola, Superior General, accompanied by two General Councilors, Srs. Blanca Aurora Marín and Diana Dolorita.

We are sure that their presence among us will be invigorating and refreshing. And how can we not mention our pride and joy to have Sr. Maria among us, in her own land, to share with her the life of the Congregation.

Sr. Maria and Srs. Blanca Aurora and Diana with the provincial government of SpainSr. Maria and Srs. Blanca Aurora and Diana with the provincial government of Spain