
Spain: Blessing of the new bell of "Roca i Pi" in Badalona

on 15 Dec, 2016
Hits: 3734

Badalona (Spain), 11/21/2016, Community of Bufalà-Roca i Pi.-Today is a big feast day for our Community as well as for the Congregation throughout the world. Here, in the Home for the elderly in Roca i Pi, the Community received many feast day wishes from the residents, the institution, the personnel who Works in the house, some families who knew that the sisters are celebrating their feast today and the members of the Christian Community of our parish, who always had participated in the Eucharist with us on this day and in whose presence we had been renewing our vows.

This year, we had one more reason to celebrate: the blessing of the renovated and electrified chapel bell, Eulàlia - Dolors de Roca i Pi. For many years it had not been ringing. Now, its place is changed and also they have put up a new metallic support crowned with a cross in the facade of the chapel.


A short history

Our Sisters were in Roca i Pi from 1881 to 1936 and from 1939 to 1946 and then we returned again in 2007. The bell (from 1913) of the chapel of “Can Gusi” (the name given in the city of Badalona to the textile factory where the Residence of Llegat Roca i Pi was earlier situated) had been kept in the brick belfry constructed on the chapel dedicated to Saint Joseph. Though it had escaped the destruction of 1936 (Civil War), it had not been ringing for many years. The new restoration has made it more visible and the ambience of the Residence has become more joyful with the sound of its ringing.

Eulàlia Bosch i Costa along with his brother Vicenc was the first donor and sponsor of the bell and from then on, the bell has this name. Vicenc Bosch was the son and cousin of the founders of the liquor “Anís del Mono”, well known in the city and also internationally. The bell was made in the Factory of Dencausse, which had a branch in Tarbes (France). This factory is situated in Barcelona, at the feet of the mountain of Montjuïc.

A few minutes before the beginning of the Eucharist, all of us gathered outside the Church for the blessing of the bell. From the bell a ribbon was hung so that each one of us present there, could ring it before entering the chapel while a song of praise was being sung.

The godparents of the bell are Sr. Floren Roman, the Superior of the Community, Mr. Antonio Guillén, the present administrator of the firm “Anís del Mono” in memory of its founder Mr. Vicenç Bosch. Fr. Jaume Aymar, president of the Trust of Roca i Pie and the parish priest of the Church of Badalona who presided the celebration of this day, spoke a few words on the importance of bells in our Churches: its sounds invite us to praise, to be joyful and to pray for our deceased... all this expresses a language of movements because the bell is not static, the bell dances...

After the blessing, each one could ring the bell. Then we began the Eucharist for the feast of the Presentation of Our Lady in the Temple with the renewal of vows. In the homily Fr. Jaume thanked the Community for the service we render in the Residence to the elderly who are so fragile and in need. He spoke a little bit about our Charism and mentioned Sr. María Ángeles Grau, who passed away recently and acknowledged with gratitude that it was through her initiative that the Community could restart its work in Roca i Pi.

The moment of the renewal of vows was very profound and emotional because of the presence of so many persons from our area, who for so many years have been accompanying us on this feast day and with whom we have worked and will continue to work for the spreading of the Kingdom. Representing all the residents, one of them read a write-up which they had prepared to thank the Community for all that they receive from us day to day. In the name of the Community Sr. Floren responded with some very moving words that we receive much more than what we are able to give. With the singing of Magnificat we concluded the celebration of this day. We had some refreshments together to share the joy of this day.