Camporredondo (Perú), 03/12/2017, Sisters from the Community.- On Ash Wednesday the universal Church began its journey of Lent, a time of grace and conversion. The parish community of Camporredondo (Amazonas-Perú), welcomed enthusiastically the invitation to make a pilgrimage to the mountains where the Cross of Pucho, a significant religious place for the people, is situated.

Before leaving, we had a prayer in which Sr. Nora Zuleta referred to the people of Israel who made their pilgrimage through the desert where they met God and experienced His presence and mercy; she also invited us to live this journey as a way to prepare ourselves and dispose our hearts to live this liturgical season to the full. During this journey our prayer was interspersed with psalms, songs and reflections which have a penitential meaning. There was the constant invitation to make us feel as pilgrims and to listen to the response of God to each one at this time of grace. At intervals, we made stops to regain strength and to wait for one another; we continued walking, letting ourselves be accompanied by the presence of Maria through the prayer of the Holy Rosary..
As we began our last climb to reach the chapel where the Cross of Pucho is found, we began to meditate on the Way of the Cross, uniting ourselves with Jesus on the way He travelled at the time of His passion; we also spent time to bring to our memory the reality of all the persons that we are aware of, as going through difficult times, especially the sick people of our parish community. After walking for two and a half hours, we felt tired, but the joy of having together reached that place was even greater. We reflected on the last station of the Way of the Cross at the foot of the cross and recollected the experience of this journey with a prayer enlightened by the book of Deuteronomy: “And now Israelites what does the Lord your God ask of you? Only that we honor Him and follow His ways; that we may love Him and adore Him with our whole heart and soul, and that we may observe His commandments.” Then each one expressed his/her prayer of thanksgiving or petition and made a commitment to be converted by listening to the call of Lent.
Finally, we shared our lunch in an atmosphere of fraternal joy and hope. In the afternoon we made our return journey with grateful hearts for all that we experienced.

Camporredondo. First left Sister Nora. In the background Sister Rocío Cuéllar