
UPDATED. Pain and death: The difficult moment lived today by the inhabitants of Mocoa

on 07 Apr, 2017
Hits: 3522

Mocoa (Colombia), 04/03/2017, Sr. Maria Escayola, Superior General, and Community of General Government.-Mocoa is a Colombian municipality, capital of the Department of Putumayo, located in the south of the country, 618 Kilometers from Bogotá, capital of Colombia. An impoverished region, whose inhabitants live in a large area of high risk, which was surprised by heavy rains, in the evening hours of Friday, March 31st and the early morning of April 1st , 2017.

Such was the force of water that caused the Mocoa, Mulato and Sancoyaco rivers to overflow, generating mud flows in several sectors of the municipal head of Mocoa, causing the death of many of its inhabitants, destruction of houses, bridges and razing everything what he found in his path.
MocoaMocoa17 neighborhoods of the city were damaged, of which 5 of them were totally destroyed. At least 284 people have been reported dead and more than 400 injured, with an undetermined number of missing people (preliminary statistics from 2nd of April 2017). Because of the large number of wounded, the hospital was unable to cope with any number of casualties, and several wounded were referred to other cities. The avalanche knocked down the electricity networks and damage the local hydroelectric generator, leaving other areas of the department without power. The aqueduct intakes were also damaged. The national government declared the state of calamity in the area.
In the midst of tragedy, pain and death... poverty becomes more intense... lacking light, food, water, gas and other necessities... but above all, in the heart there is pain and uncertainty... loneliness. However, they are still significant small gestures of solidarity between neighbors who share the same pain... the poor is always a brother to the poor.

The Congregation has been an evangelizing presence in this place since January 1992, when the first sisters arrived to take over the Parish Pastoral Care of the Vicariate. At present the Sisters coordinate at the Diocesan level, the Program of Evangelization with the SINE methodology "System for the New Evangelization", respond to the pastoral care in the Cathedral and other parishes in the diocese and those who cannot respond directly, support in various ways this missionary commitment.

From the Province of Bogota, a structure to which Mocoa belongs, a group went the day after the tragedy, and some days later, other sisters have been helping them, to support and be a presence of Church and Congregation in that place. During Holy Week, other sisters will also travel to strengthen and accompany the local families.

The sisters do not cease to help the most affected

The Lord is inviting us TODAY to live in a concrete way the solidarity with our brothers of Mocoa.* Between the muds... poverty... death... HOPE HAS TO START AGAIN! 

*Supports and donations are concentrated in the Province of Bogotá. We opened this account for this:
NOMBRE: Congregación Hermanas Dominicas de la Presentación.
CUENTA DE AHORROS: Nº 20025003102
For international shipments: 
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 Mocoa (Internet photo)Mocoa (Internet photo)
Mocoa (Internet photo)Mocoa (Internet photo)

As a Congregation, we express our solidarity with the Province of Bogotá, the Community of Mocoa and the people of this city suffering destruction and death