
Commission for the Juridical Status of Women (CSW61) at the UNO

on 25 Apr, 2017
Hits: 3146

New York (USA), 04/17/2017, Sr. Laura Inés Niño.- In New York city, where the UNO (United Nations Organization) has its headquarters, the 61st session of the Commission for the Juridical Status of Women (CSW61) was held from March 13 - 24. Among the participants, there were nine Sisters from different Dominican Congregations and different countries: Nigeria, Pakistan, Vietnam, Mexico, Ireland, United States and Colombia. I, Hna. Laura Inés Niño Martínez, from Colombia, Province of Santafé was one of them.

ONUONUThe Dominican sisters and brothers have been present in Geneva since 1997 and in New York since 1998. During these last years the office in New York has worked in close collaboration with the DSI (Dominican Sisters International). Our presence at the UNO helps to witness the Gospel message, to intervene in human rights violations and to work in collaboration as members of the Dominican Family.

The main theme for the CSW61 was the empowerment of women in the changing world of work with regard to differences in the remuneration of men and women in the public and private sectors, technology, informal work, honorable work, access for women with respect to sexual and reproductive health and its integration in ecology. We are called to know, study in depth and work for the objectives of the millennium, listen, debate and transmit information which can orient and create awareness of the situations where life is threatened and denounce the unjust structures that oppress women.

I thank the Congregation and the Province of Santafe, CODALC and the Dominican Sisters International represented by Sr. Margaret Mayce, OP, for the opportunity to receive formation in this very important field that touches one of the fundamental aspects of Justice and Peace.