
Canonical visit of the general government to Bucaramanga

on 26 Jun, 2017
Hits: 3342
Bucaramanga (Colombia), 06/23/2017, Sr. Luz Karime Mancipe Laguado.- Pope Francis invited us, religious to “wake up the world, to leave the nest which encloses us in order to be sent.... as the most concrete way of imitating the Lord”. With this certitude, from April 19 to May 20, 2017, we experienced as the dawn of our faith and vocation the canonical visit of our Superior General, Sr. Maria Escayola Coris and the General Councilors: Sr. Mariamma Paul Ollukaran, Sr. María Leonor Charria Angulo, Sr. Rosario Amelia Garcés del Castillo, Sr. Diana Gisela Dolorita and Sr. Blanca Aurora Marín Hoyos.

Messengers of creativity in the spirit of the Gospel!

During their stay they visited each one of the communities of the Province in the Departments of Santander, Norte de Santander and Magdalena. Besides, they had the opportunity to meet with the Alumni, Laity of the Dominicans of the Presentation, Youth, Children and Parents of the families, teachers and collaborators in the pastoral ministry, priests and some Bishops. As they visited each community and mission, they could see the work done by them in solidarity for the dignity of the persons. We thank them very sincerely for their visit which encouraged us and enabled us to be more committed to continue to collaborate in the mission where the lord has placed us, seeking the glory of God in the way of Mary and our Foundress, Marie Poussepin.

Thank you for coming to our province of Bucaramanga:

Thank you for awakening hope and transmitting joy and passion, because your words enable us to know God. Thank you for telling us powerfully not to be afraid to take risks....
They had been Sisters, gleaming with the light received from the ongoing history
that tell us of yesterday by always looking at tomorrow.
In their footsteps, there shines the seal of Marie Poussepin,
the Mission sustained by deeds and words.
Because you were here, we rejoice!

Thank you Sisters, for reminding us that:

Your visit had been a gift, a grace from God and a fresh air that rekindle our inner flame. THANK YOU FOR COMING.

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