
Guadalupe: House Marie Poussepin. To build a house as the Sanctuary of Yahweh

on 03 Aug, 2017
Hits: 3587

Morelia (Mexico), 08/02/2017, Sr. Janet Ceja, superior provincial, and Srs. councelors.- For a few months now, we got rolling in Morelia, the Provincial Project House Marie Poussepin, which brings with it many of our hopes. With God’s help, the construction is almost finished and with part of it completed, we are able now to welcome the first new students.

With much dynamism, the Sisters in charge have accomplished the construction phase, and profiting from the Gathering of Senior Sisters, we could bless the Oratory and the house itself, We accompanied by the Hon. Mr. Alberto Cardenal Suárez Inda. This was an event full of simple gratitude. We have completed this segment, and we are thankful to the Sisters who were most involved in it. They perceived with all their senses, day after day, the progress of the construction, they saw the rising of every wall, the laying out of each floor, of each part of roof, and they sorrowed over obstacles and rejoiced over successes.



"See, then! The Lord has chosen you
to build a house as his sanctuary.
Take courage and set to work...
Without fear or discouragement, for the Lord God,
my God, is with you.
He will not fail you or abandon you
Before you have completed all the work
For the service of the house of the Lord.”
I Chronicles, 28: 10. 19-20

This has been a training, a prelude, a metaphor... “To build a house, according to the model given by God, so it becomes a Sanctuary for Him.” That is the mission we have received, and WHAT A MISSION! From now on, we will see coming to us, young university students and... Let us be sure! God will lead their steps here, for He wishes to establish a sanctuary in them, in each of them. To us, the responsibility of enabling that endeavor.

Not without reason we saw Paco (Francisco García Alipio), the architect and his team of builders, face the many difficulties they encountered. From them we learned that the task of building a house for God in each person is an arduous work, however, not impossible. Sisters and youth called to build; therefore, as Province, let us hold them up in our prayers, companionship and support.

The young we will welcome are a promise. Each one is called to let God happen within them. Blessed be God who has brought us to this moment as a Province. May He sustain us, weather our frailty with his love and mercy, and achieve His projects. We are deeply thankful to the Sisters of our General Government for all the support, trust and encouragement we have received. Without them, we could not have succeeded. We pray that God continue giving them the timely word laden with blessings for all who receive them.

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