
Marie Poussepin, the hurricane of Charity in Haitian lands

on 18 Sep, 2017
Hits: 4187

Port-au-Prince (Haiti), 14/09/2017, Sisters from Notre Dame de la Présentation Community.- If the passage of hurricanes like Matthew, Irma and many others have sown pain, destruction and poverty in Haiti, Marie Poussepin's passage through Haitian lands has sowed effective gestures of charity. The creative audacity that characterized our foundress is made present through the work of her daughters in the Commune of Croix-des-Bouquets, in Port-au-Prince, the capital of this country.

Five years ago, the Congregation bought a piece of land and began building what would be the Marie Poussepin Missionary Center in the future. The community house and the Pediatric Center were the first buildings put at the service of the sisters and the Haitian people. And to the joy of the population that surrounds us, we now add, for the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year, l'école maternelle (nursery school), which opened its doors last September 11th to about 75 children and girls from 2 to 4 years.

The beauty and spaciousness of the facilities, the equipment designed in the light of the maximum development of the children's capacities, the qualification of the staff in charge of them, the delicate care for each one, the permanent monitoring of Sr. Gloria Inés González R., make this educational center a charitable response of the congregation to a people that needs all our support to walk towards their autonomy.

But this is not all. It also offers services to religious, lay people, parishes, and other groups and / or people, the whole host house: 60 single rooms, dining room, conference room, oratory, green spaces... all designed for meetings, retreats, and formations, among others. This house has two objectives: to offer users a comfortable and quiet space for the fulfillment of their objectives and to be the economic support of the other two works (pediatric center and nursery), to enable their access to the poorest.

In the center of the construction, we reserve a space for the next construction of the chapel, which will become the heart of the Missionary Center, a place of gathering, celebration, meeting with the God who gives us all good.

We thank the entire Congregation and the Province of Medellín in particular, the local Church, all our benefactors, our immediate collaborators, parents and children who, with their laughter, tears, cries and enthusiastic running, tell us that the missionary audacity of Marie Poussepin is always alive.


Two great photo albums


École Maternelle MARIE POUSSEPIN - Haití - 1École Maternelle MARIE POUSSEPIN - Haití - 1

École Maternelle MARIE POUSSEPIN - Haití - 2École Maternelle MARIE POUSSEPIN - Haití - 2