
XVI Meeting of Dominicans of the Presentation Lay Associates, of the Province of Manizales

on 22 Oct, 2017
Hits: 3582

Ibagué (Tolima-Manizales), 20/10/2017, Lay Associates.- The community of Dominican Sisters of Charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin, Province of Manizales, filled with joy, celebrated the sixteenth Meeting of the of the formation process of the Dominicans of the Presentation Lay Associates, building the profile of the laity committed to their mission of evangelization.

The knowledge acquired has included studies: Biblical, the Charism of the Order and the Congregation, the profile of the Dominican of the Presentation Lay Associate, the being and the task of the Lay, Christology, Social Doctrine of the Church... knowledge that has led to the awareness, to the maturity and to the need of integrating to formation meetings of the Biblical School of the Province. It is important to emphasize the accompaniment of the Provincial Government and the Sisters in the different stages of our formation process, their teachings; learning by doing with an active, creative, participative methodology In an atmosphere of love and fraternity.

This year from October 12 -15, we met in Ibagué (Tolima), 43 lay associates accompanied by six Sisters. We had the opportunity to share about the Pastoral module through the social work that each of the groups is performing, allowing ourselves to be touched by the pain and needs of the most vulnerable, this leads us to respond in a charitable way as Marie Poussepin did. We all Dominicans of the Presentation Lay Associates and Sisters walk in unison in a spirit of fraternity, commitment, responsibility, joy surfaced and strengthened in each one of us. We were a Community like in Sainville, living and drinking the abundances of our Dominican Charism bequeathed by our Foundress.

The consecration of two new companions as Dominicans of the Presentation Lay Associates, who have lived the process of formation and mission experiences, strengthens and encourages us in the commitment to keep alive our Charism. We give thanks to God, the Blessed Virgin, faithful companion on the way, to Marie Poussepin, “Social Apostle of Charity” and to Saint Dominic for this beautiful and unforgettable experience of being Dominicans of the Presentation Laity, for teaching us to be merciful and to extend the Good News to the poor and the lowly.

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