21 Nov, 2015
Hits: 5340

Bucaramanga (Colombia), 11/21/2015.- On the feast of the Presentation, November 21, 2015 Maria Alejandra Machuca Caceres took the habit of the novice during a celebration in the house of formation in the province. Fr. Freddy Cano OP, Sr. Carmen Cecilia Florez Montano, Provincial Superior and her council, Sr. Maria Eugenia Ordoñez Maldonado, novice directress and the sisters of the community of formation were present for this ceremony. It was a simple ceremony but full of signs, filled with joy at the vocation of Maria Alejandra, who after a four-year process of accompaniment took a step forward in her choice for the Lord.

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06 Nov, 2015
Hits: 6193
Nagpur (India), 12/06/2015.- Marie Poussepin's Academy celebrated the Annual Day on 6th November 2015. The theme chosen for Luminato-2015 was “Cohering Posterity”, a musical drama. The meaning of this theme is connecting generations, traditions and cultures.
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