
Marie Poussepin a woman of Hope. From Philippines

on 27 May, 2020
Hits: 2396

Philippines, 05/27/2020, Sr. Emily Parimala.- Marie Poussepin, when she took up the responsibility of building the Congregation.., Congregation of Dominican sisters of charity of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin, all that she had in her hand was Hope; Hope in the Lord.

Travelling to Philippines was like sailing through other side of the sea shore, fear and anxieties about the future. In that panic and worries; her message to her daughter was hope, not on my uncertainties, but hope; Hope in the Lord.

Leaving my own family circles, comfort zones and coming to unknown land, was like losing one’s own secured life. In those moments of pride and hesitations her message to her daughter is hope, not on my safeties but hope; Hope in the Lord.

Due to the Covid 19 pandemic all around the world what we see is utter poverty and sufferings , in this manmade disaster her message to her daughter is hope, not on my  abilities and wills but hope; Hope in the Lord.

Lot of joy and enthusiasm to go for home visit especially to the waiting mother, in that great desire and eagerness, when it seems impossible due to the present reality, her message to her daughter is hope, not on my plans and impossibility  but hope; Hope in the Lord.

Finally the strong message that she leaves to her daughter with a beautiful smile on her face is, “nothing happens without the knowledge of God. All that I need to do is total surrender and hope, not simple hope but strong hope; Hope in the Lord.