
A song from the Philippines: Providence of God

on 24 Jun, 2020
Hits: 2659

Songkoy (Philippines), 06/24/2020.- This video on Marie poussepin is the effort of the sisters of the International Community of Songkoy, Philippines, to mark the Year of Grace. There are seven sisters in this community of three nationalities: Africa, India and Philippines. 

Sr. Ana Eriselda Antonio Girón, a sister from El Saldavor who is from the community of Malibay in the Philippines is spending a few months in Songkoy due to the confinement of Covid-19. We have the two novices of Vietnam as part of this community and the two sisters who are getting ready to go to Vietnam. Sr. Madeleine Tiemtore wrote the song and created the video in three languages of the Congregation. The song is sung by the sisters and novices of the community.


SONG: Providence of God

Social apostle of Charity, Marie Poussepin
Trusted in God’s Providence
You responded with creativity
To the needs of people.

In your constant prayer
You heard the cry, cry of the poor
You made yourself poor though you were rich
To dwell among the poor of Sainville.

Your heart was filled
With compassion and love of god
You saw what was just in the eyes of God
And you have accomplished it.

You exhorted us
To an active and inventive
Charity like that of Christ
Help us to perpetuate this great heritage.