Philippines, Mary Nguyen Thi Thien Kim, novice.- A blessed life...
A blessed child was born in the soil of Dourdan
God called her name, Marie Poussepin
He sowed the seed in her heart
The seed of love unceasing.
God called her name, Marie Poussepin
He sowed the seed in her heart
The seed of love unceasing.

A blessed girl was brought up in Dourdan
Her faith grew up like a cedar
Firmly stood in the midst of storms
Carried family’s burdens on shoulders.
A blessed woman worked in Dourdan
Her love led her to advance
To learn and use a new technology
Improved industry in hometown.
A blessed Marie was led to Sainville
Listened to God’s will, she said yes
God’s providence was all she had
Left a safe place to the new land.
A blessed apostle did her mission in Sainville.
She loved her God in the poor
Seeking His face in the sick
Teaching the youth, her delight.
Blessed Marie lived a life of self - giving
It’s like a tree bearing fruit
Charity is the fruit of her love
Humble, pious was her life.