
"Lord, teach me to pray"

on 01 Nov, 2020
Hits: 1995

Melipilla (Chile), 11/01/2020, Cristian Farías Rojas.- "Lord, teach me to pray”. It was with the help of a priest friend, who gave me this hint: "Make your life a praise to God". And I understood that every act, every word uttered, every motivated action, emanates from the Spirit of God. What can I contribute to the building of the Kingdom of God from my choice of life, from my profession, with my people and with those that one shares daily. That I have darkness and light in my life, but to God the Father, I give my humanity. My prayer is the life that I am building and deconstructing.

By profession I am a psychologist, working for 3 years at the Polytechnic College of Our Lady of the Presentation in the city of Melipilla. In this place, besides nourishing myself as a person and collaborating with the students in their emotional and educational development, I have also been able to give an account of the different faces in need of meaning. Knowing the congregation of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation and their Foundress Marie Poussepin, I have been able to emphasize that "example" as an attitude and responsible behavior committed to others can be the source of many changes at the personal level. A vital contribution to the society we are living and building today.

Why do I talk about behaviors, examples, and whose example? Marie Poussepin's. How do I imagine the life of this woman, like the sisters I know; committed to the environment in which they live, concerned about dignifying people, contributing to justice and unity, from the friendly treatment, without prejudice and humanizing.

The invitation that we have as children of God, is to evidence in an act, in a creation, in a gesture, the life in union and prayer with Christ. And it is in that instant, where we become instruments of God. It is a gift. And like every gift, it is meant to be shared.

That is why I made a musical lyric, inspired by the Sisters and their Foundress Marie Poussepin. It is the coherence and respect for the life of each being that made me take a pencil and paper and let the Spirit of God do its thing. The 25 years of the beatification of Marie Poussepin, the lyrics of the prayer and one of her most famous phrases, are part of what is expressed in this song. The piece of music is nothing more than the result of her own life in prayer, looking at the face of this woman who was controversial for her time, ahead of her ideas and completely up to date with the demands of this social life that demands a dialogue based on respect, justice and the dignity of each person, values of supreme importance for Marie Poussepin.