
What feelings did you have when you participated in the beatification ceremony of Marie Poussepin?

on 17 Nov, 2020
Hits: 1755

Bogotá (Colombia), 11/17/2020, Sr. Luz Grecia Ocampo Gaviria.- YEAR OF GRACE MARIE POUSSEPIN 2020. As Pastoral of Vocations of the Province of Santafé, we wanted to join at this time in the Congregation for the 25th anniversary of the Beatification of our Mother Foundress Marie Poussepin. The following video was designed by Sister Luz Grecia Ocampo Gaviria, with the Adobe design program Premiere and Adobe After Effects; directed by Alexander Estrada Vocational Coordinator in San Juan de Dios, who lent the entrance to the program.

During the month of October, we collected the necessary information. The initial idea was to create a chronology in a book, where the pages would tell a story, with some aspects of Marie Poussepin's life and information about the Congregation, animated with their own sentences and photographs. With a musical background. For its closing, we wanted to collect the feelings of some of our sisters who had the joy of living the moment of the beatification in Rome. They answered a question: What feelings did you have when you participated in the beatification ceremony of Marie Poussepin? The work of conception and animation was completed on November 9.