
From Aconcagua, two contributions

on 17 Nov, 2020
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Chile, 11/17/2020.- Two contributions from Aconcagua to finalize the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Beatification of Marie Poussepin.

A very great gift from God and from my Vice-Province that I welcomed with immense joy and humility

Juana Estela Rubio Díaz .- My name is Juana Rubio Díaz, Chilean. I am deeply grateful to God for being able to give my testimony in the commemoration of the Beatification of Marie Poussepin, which is already 25 years since this great event for the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation and for the Church. I remember that in the Novitiate, together with my companions, we had to put in an album the life of Marie Poussepin. In addition, we had a class on the history of the Congregation. For me and the other novices, it was wonderful to hear our teacher tell us about the life and work of Marie Poussepin, as well as her missionary presence in different contexts and cultures. With joy and enthusiasm, we were transported in the imagination not only to Dourdan, Sanville, Janville, Rome, but also to different countries in Asia, Africa, America...

And, the theme that could not be missed was: how the process of beatification was going. We were happy to know her legacy and dreamed of the moment when her holiness could be recognized.

Already, as a temporary vows Sister, I had the grace of being sent to Queilen, South of Chile, for the foundation of the first house in insular Chile, in the great island of Chiloé, where together with a very missionary Parish Priest, we had the privilege of sharing the faith with welcoming and simple people.

The affection, generosity and enthusiasm of the people were admirable. And on the 14th of each month, we gathered with a group of people to pray, share the Word of God and pray for the beatification of Marie Pousepin. And, what would not be our gratitude and joy when we were informed that Our Foundress would be beatified by Pope John Paul II. The whole congregation was filled with joy at this long-awaited event.

And, what can I say, when in that same process I was informed that I would be going to the beatification on behalf of my Sisters with temporary vows! A very great gift from God and from my Vice-Province that I welcomed with immense joy and humility.

When I saw her image hanging on the front of the Basilica, my heart was beating so hard that it seemed to escape me. I felt a great pride and emotion thinking of every place where that image, perhaps smaller but no less important, was being venerated at that moment.

Participating in the Eucharist of Beatification with people from so many countries, cultures and missionary presences allowed me to experience the power of Charity and the unity of one Spirit, that of Marie Poussepin.

I also remember that I carried the letters that the children of Queilen wrote to Pope John Paul II; I had the opportunity to be very close to him and tell him that I was from Chile; he not only received the letters but he answered them.

From Rome we went on to France to visit Dourdan, Sanville, Janville, Tours, La Grande Breteche... As I went through the places I felt that through my novitiate album I had already met them. But, being there was again to feel that Spirit of the Beginnings, where Marie Poussepin prayed and thought about her young people and what she wanted for them.

Today, I think that this journey changed my perception of life, of the Congregation, and as soon as I saw the sisters of the Vice-Province I passed them on and thanked them from my heart and with much emotion because I understood that for them it was not easy to be far from their country, their roots, their culture, their family. And that in spite of this they were joyful religious capable of leaving everything to follow God's Project.

Today, again from another path as a Laywoman, I thank the Congregation for all that it gave me, because I am happy and with a spirituality that allows me to transmit the Gospel to the children of my school in the Commune of Litueche.

Thank you Sisters for your dedication, for your fidelity to the Church, and above all for making possible today in the Southern Cone, the Project of Marie Poussepin "Social Apostle of Charity".

Joyful Marie Poussepin

Sandra Ximena Barahona Arenas, Presentation Missionary.- In homage to the 25th anniversary of the beatification of our Foundress Marie Poussepin, this inspiring poem comes from the grateful heart of a Presentation lay missionary.

Joyful, all God's heavenly creatures
for the generous heart given to Marie,
who has embraced love from on high
to collect charity in her hand.

Joyful, she who in a prodigious way
traced itineraries of dedication,
vocation and mission in endless fields,
towns and parishes showing that God welcomes his children.

Joyful is her experience of God,
her life is an exquisite gift to the world
in the river overflowing with service to others
surrounding all the land that welcomed his voice.

Joyful, the one who in community fraternity
responds to the divine inspiration of the Most High
to speak to God every day.
bringing the dialogue with Him to meditation.
Joyful, joyful Social Apostle of Charity,
missionary in every corner of time and space,
to show a God who, in mercy,
welcomes the human heart that seeks its eternity.
Joyful, who from Dourdan to Sainville takes to the road
by beginning a work of God's Providence,
among the young and children, the elderly and the sick,
where everyone can find a mother, a sister and a witness.
Joyful, Marie Poussepin who in her greatest heritage,
her sisters, are the soul of the community.
Welcome constant prayer and study
to live the fraternity in preaching service.
Joyful, you are Marie, a simple and strong woman
chosen as an instrument of charity by God,
for the utility of the Parish,
which calls at the service of the pilgrim Church.

Joyful today, beloved Mother Foundress
that in three centuries of missionary intuition
the continents of vocations have emerged
where our brothers and sisters needed your voice.

Joyful, sisters and lay missionaries
that under your faithful Dominican protection
follow in your footsteps in common prayer
in preaching inspired by your Charism.

Joyful, you are Marie Poussepin, from Dourdan
you go to Sainville with the emerging community.
To Janville de la Beauce to reconstitute the Congregation
and everywhere in the world, endlessly, to develop.

Joyful, you are, Blessed Marie Poussepin
Whether you stay in every corner of the world,
Bless our steps, bless your mission
To the glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.