Sr. Ángela María Vélez Restrepo

Structure: Province of Medellín
Member: Ex Officio
Profession: 12/08/1985
Dominican Sister of the Presentation.
Present Mission:
Provincial Superior.
What you think are the great challenges for the Congregation in the next 5 years?
I consider that the main challenge at present is: " to revitalize life and mission, with the strength of the Charism", not only because it is a pressing invitation from the Congregation, but also because I consider it urgent to re-signify what we are before ourselves, before the Church and before the world that desires to see and feel our presence.
To strengthen communion in order to make restructuration possible.
To re-signify the "charismatic inspiration" of our Mother Foundress, in such a way that we can "love our own", "value what we have and what is ours", "believe in our sisters".