Sr. Ángela Anta Martín

Structure: Province of Spain
Member: Ex Officio
Profession: 04/06/1969
For many years my mission has been teaching.
Present Mission
Provincial Superior (2nd term).
What you think are the great challenges for the Congregation in the next 5 years?
Return to the sources. Our Congregation must bear in mind the three traits that is given to us by our Foundress “Simplicity, Word and Poverty » and that many times we forget them.
Closeness to the persons without any discrimination of aby type. We have to be with them not with an attitude of superiority but as equals.
Gratuitous, I believe is a testimony « to know how to give without expecting anything in return » and especially to the most poor, whatever it is her poverty.
To think about the Restructuring of the Congregation, having in mind the geographical positions, that are important, the Mission of the Congregation and that of the church and the world is asking of us at the present moment.