Sr. Teresa Maria Abelló Aulés
Structure: Viceprovince of the United States
Member: Elected
Profession: 10/14/1989
Catalana, originally from the Province of Spain.
I am an educator and I met the Congregation at the school. Sent on international mission to the Vice Province of the United States to work in Honduras with Sisters of 7 nationalities and volunteered groups.
Present Mission
Responsible for the community and Director of the Marie Poussepin Center for the comprehensive training of low-income young people in the rural area of Guaimaca.
What do you consider to be the main challenges for the Congregation in the next 5 years?
In this convulsive, digital and liquid world of the 21st century, what reasons do we have to continue existing as a Congregation? Well, the passion for Christ and for Humanity. And we are called to give INNOVATIVE answers from the intuition of Marie Poussepin:
Living the Charism of MP in "Biodiversity", letting life flow, celebrating it in diversity and plurality as wealth. Integrators of the (¨pluri¨, ¨multi¨, ¨inter¨, etc ...)
In communities, which are ecosystems that care for and promote life, spaces of prayer and interiority living the mystique of encounter and welcome, in dialogue and discernment, feeling as sisters and accomplices of the Spirit in mission.
That "old women have dreams and young visions of the future", being restless spirits; faithful and persevering in the essential, to give flexible, innovative, courageous, prophetic answers .... Always moving to the peripheries (existential, geographical, digital, ...).
That guided by the Spirit, we are unprecedented alternatives, full of hope, intuitive to make new and risky, ecological proposals, ... according to the creative charity of always innovative MP.
To INNOVATE we need ... .. To be "Influencers" who fill the world with the fragrance of the Gospel.