Sr. Dorys Gilma Zorro Coronel

Structure: Provincie of Guadalupe
Member: Elected
Profession: 01/12/1986
Professed in the province of Bogotá in 1986, I was sent to the Province of Guadalupe.
My mission has been mostly with Q'eqchi' native peoples, in Guatemala; Tzeltal and currently with Tzotziles in Chiapas, Mexico; I was a Provincial Councilor during 2003-2013; in the community of Altamirano as director of the FAMILY AND HEALTH PROMOTION CENTER, in the years 2005-2016. I was in charge of aspirants until April of the current year.
Present Mission
I am involved in the Pastoral work in the community of Tzotziles, I accompany the Formation of Deacons, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion and Pastoral work with women, in San Juan Diego Parish, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.
What you think are the great challenges for the Congregation in the next 5 years?
1. To break geographical, mental and psychological boundaries of our Provinces.
2. To open ourselves to be itinerant communities, with a deep Congregational spirituality and unique characteristic of the Charity of Marie Poussepin.
3. To strengthen our mission in the peripheries and borders.