Sr. Eudelia Saavedra Zabala

Structure: Province of Bucaramanga
Member: Elected
Profession: 01/10/1987
I was born in Bucaramanga.
I am a Dominican sister of the Presentation and I am a teacher by vocation.
Present Mission
Director of Education and Principal of I.E.T (Institute of Technological Education) of Our Lady of the Presentation, in the city of Chinacota, department of North of Santander.
What you think are the great challenges for the Congregation in the next 5 years?
- It is an urgent need to leave our comfort zones and reinvent ourselves to be faithful witnesses of Jesus Christ and confront the diverse situations that put us in danger of extinction as a Religious Congregation.
- To continue the call that motivated Marie Poussepin, "to listen to the cries of the poor" that surround us and the service of charity that is made possible by work, poverty and sharing.
- To strengthen ourselves under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, through constant formation and education proper to the mission.
- To persevere in rescuing the dignity and promotion of women by all means.
- The administration of tangible and intangible assets of the Congregation and to be responsible to generate new revenues that favor sustainability over time.