Sr. Ofelia Quispe Huallpara

Structure: Province of Los Andes
Member: Ex Officio
Profession: 03/25/1998
I am of Bolivian nationality, I am 44 years old and 21 years of religious profession.
The Lord has given me the opportunity to serve at the level of formation and to know many of the sisters of the different structures, this helps me to grow in a sense of belonging and love for the Congregation.
Present Mission
Provincial Superior.
What you think are the great challenges for the Congregation in the next 5 years?
Above all, we need the Spirit and the persons. Persons who are mature, deeply religious, full of faith in Jesus Christ and who allow themselves to be guided by the action of the Spirit.
A courageous Congregation, with all its inevitable difficulties, but convinced that it is a work of God in our hands, sincerely seeking to accept and live the expressions of His Will, and docile to the inspirations of the Spirit, let ourselves be enlightened by His LIGHT to continue to realize with creativity and courage the ideal that motivated Marie Poussepin to found the Congregation in 1696, when she invited other young women to live with her The Gospel.