Sr. Luisa Magleni Jiménez

Structure: Province of El Caribe
Member: Ex Officio
Profession: 09/12/1998
I consider myself a simple, service minded sister, taking great personal effort.
With the desire to grow in dedication to God and in quality of service in mission.
Present Mission
Provincial Superior since December 2018
What you think are the great challenges for the Congregation in the next 5 years?
- Work to return to the essentials of following Jesus, from the experience of our spiritual life and strengthen our commitment to mission. Formation
- Continue to search for new ways of being and carrying out our mission in communion with the laity. Urgent
- Promote the culture of encounter and good relationships, to live and proclaim reconciliation and conversion which, from the relational style of Jesus gives primacy to the human persons.
- Set out on a journey, like Jesus, Saint Dominic and Marie Poussepin; itinerancy as a pilgrim church.