Sr. Rocío del Pilar Cuéllar Dávalos

Structure: Province of Los Andes
Member: Elected
Profession: 02/07/2004
I am of Peruvian nationality, I have 15 years of Religious Profession.
I studied Nursing, currently I belong to the community of Camporredondo, located in the department of Amazonas - Peru.
Present Mission
I am part of the Provincial Council, in charge of the Youth Ministry of the Province. My local community has its mission parish ministry, as part of which I accompany young people in youth ministry and Confirmation catechesis.
What you think are the great challenges for the Congregation in the next 5 years?
• Promote and renew youth vocation ministry.
• Revitalize our following of Jesus
• To make our communities places of convocation that bear witness to the Kingdom.
• To update our Charism from the proposal of Pope Francis: a Church on the way out that goes where "life is in danger".