Sr. Waldina Benavides Cruz

Structure: Province of Bucaramanga
Member: Ex Officio
Profession: 01/10/1988
I made my profession 31 years ago. I am from Colombia, born in Aguada Santander.
I have Licentiate in Philosophy and Religious Sciences from St. Thomas University. I studied Theology in the Gregorian University of Rome. I have carried out varied missions: Parish ministry, formation, Teacher and lately coordinator of administrative and financial aspects of the schools in Santa Marta.
Present Mission
Provincial Superior.
What you think are the great challenges for the Congregation in the next 5 years?
• Revitalize the Charism of Marie Poussepin, "Social Apostle of Charity", return to our sources re- reading it from the reality of today's world.
• Restructuration by joining strengths, make good use of existing human, economic and structural resources.
• Ability to inspire new vocations with the witness of life at the personal, community and missionary levels.
• Live out the service of Charity by concrete commitment to today’s poor.