Before the elections ...

By Sr. Monique Colrat, Francia
Lord God, Heavenly Father, all the Sisters of the Congregation turn to you through our voices and songs.
We say THANK YOU for these years of government assumed by Sr. Maria Escayola Coris and her Council, without forgetting Sister Joanna Fernandes, our General Treasurer.
A big thank you to the extent of the task accomplished, in the midst of change,
- In societies and various places where the Sisters face difficulties that are often disproportionate...
- In the Church, overwhelmed by scandals and shaken by the very credibility that characterizes her.
Because of all this, we believe even more in the prayer of Jesus to support reflection, discernment and decisions for the good of all. Thank you for the presence of the Risen One who maintains our Hope and strengthens our Faith by his Spirit.
Tonight our hearts are full of gratitude for the Sisters who have contributed to the smooth running of the Congregation.
On the eve of a new mandate of government, we offer the choices and decisions that will be made and entrusted to the new Superior General and her Council.
Remembering the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Dominic and Marie Poussepin let us entrust each other to Christ our Lord. AMEN.