
This is the way ...

La Turena, Bucaramanga (Colombia), 07/18/2019, Sr. Ángela María Vélez Restrepo.- The Report on the Life of the Congregation, presented today by Sr. María Escayola Coris, Superior General, touches our daily life, decisive efforts, and the endless number of achievements that we do not always value or recognize. It describes our on-going longings to find answers, bring newness to our life, and strengthen what we have received through our desire to keep alive our charismatic history. Above all, her report stresses faith and trust in Providence and the presence of our Mother Foundress.

July 16

Sentinels of the morning

La Turena, Bucaramanga (Colombia), 17/07/2019, Sr. Gertrudis Viñas de la Hoz.- "Sentinels of the morning that announce the sunrise" ... thus we begin our day, with our prayer around the "new fire".