Viceprovince of Aconcagua

- Birth: La Ligua (Chili), 1964

- Profession: 05/03/1992         

- Mission: Educacion.


- List two challenges of the Congregation at the present time:

NEED TO ADAPT TO NEW TIMES, opportunity for renewal and revitalization of consecrated life. It is necessary for the Congregation to adapt to new times without losing sight of its identity and mission. Experimentation with new forms of religious life that respond to the needs of the present. Incorporation of lay people committed to the charisma in the mission of the Congregation and collaboration with other Christian communities, Experimenting with new forms of religious life that respond to the needs of the present, just as Marie Poussepin did in her time.

DISCERNMENT AND SEARCH FOR NEW HORIZONS, reconnect and recover vitality with the original source of Marie Poussepin's charisma. Explore new fields of apostolate in response to the needs of today's world and adapt it to the needs of the present without losing its essence. Collaborate with other congregations and institutions for greater social impact. It is a time to courageously and creatively discern how to remain a significant presence in today's world, faithful to the original charism and Gospel of Jesus.

- Participation of Chapters: 3