General government

- Birth: Ziniaré (Africa), 1972        

- Profession: 10/14/1996

- Mission: Health and formation.



- List two challenges of the Congregation at the present time:

The first challenge for me is training at all levels. Starting with initial training, the training of young teachers allowing them to gain experience outside their Province of origin or their Continent, which would favor language learning. Maintain the Marie Poussepin Center, which favors spiritual renewal, but also openness to interculturality and a deeper knowledge of the charism and Dominican spirit of Marie Poussepin. In a world marked by upheavals, it is a great challenge to train young people to acquire solid convictions about the meaning of their vocation, but also to train them in religious discipline, in the ability to live in an intercultural community, to welcome differences. of others. A professional and religious formation that responds to the needs of our time. Extensive training of trainers.

The second challenge is that of missionary witness, especially in remote and difficult areas. Get closer to the poor and the little ones.

- Participation in Chapters: 0