Province Our Lady of the Americas

- Birth: Zapatoca (Colombie), 1987

- Profession: 10/21/2012             

- Mission: Live and announce Jesus Christ, with my sisters, in the Community of Guaimaca - Honduras. I develop my missionary service as superior of the community and director of the Marie Poussepin Center (Boarding School).


- List two challenges of the Congregation at the present time:

Make our vulnerability (personal, community, congregational) a force of unity that transforms our communities into spaces of mercy, listening and true sisterhood.

Courageously commit ourselves to dynamics of dialogue, participation and transformation, in different scenarios of the world and the Church; to be like this, a sign of convocation, testimony of the fruitfulness of God in our lives and announcement of the richness of our Charisma.

- Participation in Chapters: 0