Social Apostle of Charity

“We recognize the ways of God in the life of each sister who in creative fidelity follows the example of Marie Poussepin, “Social Apostle of Charity”. Led by the Holy Spirit, we are inspired to move forward to a deep spiritual renewal to give meaning and strength to our life. This enables us to create anew our community to follow Jesus Christ and to go beyond borders with audacity and creativity. The Charism of our Mother Foundress roots us in the contemplation of the Word and in the reality of life. With a look of mercy, we want to reach out to the poorest and most vulnerable with compassion in order to search with them new ways of working for human dignity and complete liberation in Christ. (Cf. C 86) The call of God and the response to follow Christ urge us to recognize Him in others, to let ourselves be formed and transformed by Him through prayer and daily life as consecrated women, sent to be living witnesses of the Gospel of the Kingdom and prophets of hope”. (Document of the 55th General Chapter - 2019)