
In 1971. the sisters were sent from the Province of USA for a foundation in India. They ar-rived in a village called Kuttikad, Kerala, a small state in the south west corner of the country and formed a community there. Slow and steady growth, formed India to be a Region under the leadership of Sr. Mary Patricia Sullivan, USA on July 26, 1975. Twenty years later, it became a Vice Province on December 31, 1995 with Sr. Vimala Vadakkumpadan as its first Vice Provincial Superior and on January 1, 2009 erected India as a Province having Sr. Mariamma Paul Ollukaran as its first Provincial. She was succeeded by Sr. Philomina Vengachottil in 2014 and Sr. Deepa Moonjely since 2019.

The missionary presence in India is marked by variety, simplicity and generosity to respond to the pressing needs of the time in its multireligious, multicultural and multilin-gual context, trying to make a difference to the people through service in the parish, education and care for the sick poor embodying God’s love and spreading His word in love of neighbour in the style of Marie Poussepin.

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La India 2024