Sr. María Dolores García Maquívar

Structure: Province of Spain
Member: Elected
Profession: 05/17/1970
More than half of my almost 50 years of religious life was lived in small communities of insertion.
This community was located in the popular district, at the service of the people and of the parish. But also I have been responsible for the infirmary of the Province and carried out government and administrative services. In am formed as a social worker and nurse. I was born in Barcelona 72 years ago.
Present Mission
I am part of the Observatory Team of Human Rights of the Dominican Family and I collaborate with projects of the Congregations specialized in giving attention to victims of human trafficking. At the same time I am part of the Provincial council and responsible for the Treasurer’s office and the archives of the Province.
What you think are the great challenges for the Congregation in the next 5 years?
- To strengthen spiritual life in each sister so that Jesus becomes the sole reference in her daily life, attitudes and motivation to act in content and form.
- To put into practice with greater emphasis the uniqueness of the Charism of Marie Poussepin in terms of our dedication to the most vulnerable, poor and marginalized persons and groups, either through closeness with them or through direct action being aware ourselves or bringing awareness to others. We can no more see it as an optional or marginal theme that does not change our life, but it is one that influences our decisions: personal, community and structural.
- To work towards building fraternal life centered on our common following of Jesus and on his sending out to announce the Gospel through daily service, simple and flexible organization of our mission. Willing to work to recognize, accept and integrate differences and different capacities and limitations without nullifying them. And willing to change all that is necessary to live together better and announce the Kingdom.
- To consider formation as an internal organization of a person which facilitates flexibility and harmony rather than referring to external structures and academic knowledge, although this is good and essential.